Sunday, August 2, 2015

Journey into making Games at UAT- Part 3

Journey into making Games at UAT- Part 3

Things started to improve last week. I actually got some game pictures and team pictures to share in the social media arenas. I am learning lots of lessons about using Tweeter, Tweets, and Tweeter analytics. I am so glad one of classmates talked about it because I never heard of it. It really awesome and I think Facebook also has one I want to investigate that one also. I wonder if Pinterest and the other Social media sites have similar analytics because they seem to be very valuable especially if you are running a business.

How do you create a marketing plan and build momentum for a game that is still in production?
Last week I mentioned that your first step should be created a landing or splash page for the item you are trying to promote.  Something that is very important is that page sometimes it leads to the social media networks that you are choosing to use based on the target audience you are trying to reach. So I guess before you create the landing or splash page you should decide what social media is more valuable, because if your target audience is not a big user of tweeter then perhaps the time and energy that you are going to spend there will be wasted.

Social media is as homogenous from network to network as soda drinks are from brand to brand. Sure, it’s all social media, but Facebook & YouTube, and Google+ and Twitter might as well be Coke, and Dr. Pepper, or Mountain Dew and/or Pepsi. Each network is unique, with its own best practices, own style, and own audience.  You don’t need to be in all of them if it doesn’t serve your purpose and your audience. Some things you need to consider when you are deciding how many social media outlets you are trying aside from the audience,  are Time and Resources.

How much time can you dedicate to that social network?
You need to dedicate at least one per day per social network, especially at the beginning to gather momentum and followers. Choose who you follow based on your target audience and goals. Once you build some speed you can use companies like Buffer to save a bit of time. If you use Buffer you can write a bunch of posts at one time, choose which social profiles to send them to, and then Buffer will spread them out throughout the day or week so that you don't have to be at a computer all the time in order to have a social media presence. Buffer shortens your links, and they provide more analytics than Twitter and/or Facebook. They have a free plan and different paying plans.

What personnel and skills do you have to make really valuable posts?
Visual social networks like Pinterest and Instagram require images and photos. Twitter posts with pictures and videos are open and retweet more often than ones without them. Social networks like Google+ emphasize quality content. You should ask yourself here: Do you have the resources to create what’s needed to post to the social networks that your target audience uses?

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